Final Project

Group Discussion: Final Project Design
  • Discussed about which concepts and ideas to incorporate into the project.
  • Types of themes for the design.
          -The majority of the group wanted to create a character.

  • Options to use for principles and elements of designs.
          -Emphasis & Focal Point was chosen unanimously for the  
            design principles.
          -I chose space and value or the two elements of design.

Illusion of Space is very important in game design. Designers use this element to mimic the real world into a 2d plane. Values are just as important and can create focal points as well as a sense of depth.

Character Creation:
  • Male / name “Stax”?
  • Teen - young adult?
  • Color: gray & red / for metallic texture
  • Faux hawk hair style to personalize the character
  • Pilot / Puppeteer
  • Clothing style / Sci-Fi? Futuristic
  • Robot

Character Bio:

Name: Stax
Age: 17
Origin: Unknown
Specialties: Unknown
Avatar: Chaos

             Young quiet genius boy who was selected to pilot a unique avatar. Stax escaped from a secret military training facility and went into hiding to an isolated island to live a peaceful life. One faithful day, a band of pirates crash landed nearby the village and threatens to raid the village for parts and goods. Stax's foster dad, rallies the rest of the villagers to mount a counter attack against the pirates. Realizing that the villagers are out manned and out gunned, Stax, decides to use his military training to board the pirate ship and sabotage their plans. While on board, He comes across a special cargo in the ship and realized that he can't escape his destiny.

Version 1:
  • Incorporated all the ideas and came up with this version.
  • Decided to make a mini version for design comparison.
  • Arms and legs are working progress, looking to change design to match overall outfit.
References - Last Story (RPG)

Version 2:
  • Decided a size between regular and mini.
  • Modified arms and legs to match styles.
  • Added details on the gloves and an earpiece for communications to avatar.
  • 3 facial expression (shout, smirk?, and serious)
  • Measurements for 3d modeling.
  • Designed robot/avatar.
  • Chaos”? Greek name - formless void, personified as first of gods.
References - Last Story (RPG), Final Fantasy XIV (RPG), Evangelion (Series).

Version 3:
  • Modified “Stax's” upper garment to match overall outfit.
  • Modified “Chaos'” frame: head (added horns similar to Stax's hairstyle), shoulders (increased size and added “jet-engine” style for speed and power), arms and torso (matched Stax's armor).
  • Applied the gray and red color scheme with vales to indicate depth and space.
  • Positioned Stax and Chaos in the middle to get a focal point.
Problem - Had issues with Stax's clothing not matching and felt out of place.
Solution- modified Stax's upper garment to match the materials of gloves and legging armor.

References - Last Story (RPG), Final Fantasy XIV (RPG), Evangelion (Series).


Final Project:

Project Materials:

28” x 40” poster board
sharpies (red and black)
rubber cement
acrylic paint (white, black, & red)
paint brushes
x-acto knife
bristle paper
sketch paper

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