Saturday, September 22, 2012


Group Discussion: Final Project Design
  • Discussed about which concepts and ideas to incorporate into the project.
  • Types of themes for the design.
          -The majority of the group wanted to create a character.

  • Options to use for principles and elements of designs.
          -Emphasis & Focal Point was chosen unanimously for the  
            design principles.
          -I chose space and value or the two elements of design.

Illusion of Space is very important in game design. Designers use this element to mimic the real world into a 2d plane. Values are just as important and can create focal points as well as a sense of depth.

Character Creation:
  • Male / name “Stax”?
  • Teen - young adult?
  • Color: gray & red / for metallic texture
  • Faux hawk hair style to personalize the character
  • Pilot / Puppeteer
  • Clothing style / Sci-Fi? Futuristic
  • Robot

Character Bio:

Name: Stax
Age: 17
Origin: Unknown
Specialties: Unknown
Avatar: Chaos

             Young quiet genius boy who was selected to pilot a unique avatar. Stax escaped from a secret military training facility and went into hiding to an isolated island to live a peaceful life. One faithful day, a band of pirates crash landed nearby the village and threatens to raid the village for parts and goods. Stax's foster dad, rallies the rest of the villagers to mount a counter attack against the pirates. Realizing that the villagers are out manned and out gunned, Stax, decides to use his military training to board the pirate ship and sabotage their plans. While on board, He comes across a special cargo in the ship and realized that he can't escape his destiny.

Version 1:
  • Incorporated all the ideas and came up with this version.
  • Decided to make a mini version for design comparison.
  • Arms and legs are working progress, looking to change design to match overall outfit.
References - Last Story (RPG)

Version 2:
  • Decided a size between regular and mini.
  • Modified arms and legs to match styles.
  • Added details on the gloves and an earpiece for communications to avatar.
  • 3 facial expression (shout, smirk?, and serious)
  • Measurements for 3d modeling.
  • Designed robot/avatar.
  • Chaos”? Greek name - formless void, personified as first of gods.
References - Last Story (RPG), Final Fantasy XIV (RPG), Evangelion (Series).

Version 3:
  • Modified “Stax's” upper garment to match overall outfit.
  • Modified “Chaos'” frame: head (added horns similar to Stax's hairstyle), shoulders (increased size and added “jet-engine” style for speed and power), arms and torso (matched Stax's armor).
  • Applied the gray and red color scheme with vales to indicate depth and space.
  • Positioned Stax and Chaos in the middle to get a focal point.
Problem - Had issues with Stax's clothing not matching and felt out of place.
Solution- modified Stax's upper garment to match the materials of gloves and legging armor.

References - Last Story (RPG), Final Fantasy XIV (RPG), Evangelion (Series).


Final Project:

Project Materials:

28” x 40” poster board
sharpies (red and black)
rubber cement
acrylic paint (white, black, & red)
paint brushes
x-acto knife
bristle paper
sketch paper

Wednesday, September 12, 2012



Supermatism Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012 

An art movement that originated from Russia in the early twentieth century. Nonobjective forms are emphasized to create a rhythm.


"Crysis 2 Concept Art Revealed." Movie News, Latest Entertainment News. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

When a visual image stimulates the viewers senses, that experience is called kinesthetic empathy. The smokes coming out from the buildings and trees gives the viewers a sense of smell of the ashes burning.


"Marcin Jakubowski." Concept Art World A>>. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

The trees make a swaying rhythm in the background, creating a form of rhythm. 


GAMES Les plus Belles CinAcmatiques. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>.

Legato is a rhythmic connection that gives the viewers a calm sensation. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Axis Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Axis is the line reference in the middle of the composition to create balance from either sides.


"Manga Top 10." : Top 10 Instant Jutsu in Naruto. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>.

Balance is achieved in a composition by creating opposing forces.


"3D Max Head Female Model." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Symmetry is a form of which the opposite side of the center axis is precise. 


 VE3D Image for Call of Duty: Black Ops(PC). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

The main character is placed in the right side of the image, but the psychic line he's creating draws the viewers attention to the left where the line of sight is. This is Informal Balance.

Monday, September 10, 2012



Earthworks Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012 

Earthworks are grandeur images that can be observed in their full scale from the sky. The tire tracks give the object a sense of how large the image is.


Proportion is size compared to a standard object. By placing Spiderman in the image, the viewer realizes how big the robot really is.


"World of WarCraft: Wrath of The Lich King Concept Art." Neoseeker. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>.

Hieratic scaling is based on the importance of the figure. The size of the Lich King is bigger than his subjects and symbolizes importance.


Ken.Lam. "Life Size Mobile Suit Gundam RX78 @ Obaiba Tokyo Bay." Flickr. Yahoo!, 14 Aug. 2009. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>.

Pop Art originated in the 1960's and took inspiration from the daily popular object in culture. Gundam RX78, a popular toy in Japan, was erected into a life size  in Tokyo.



Kingston Entertainment Design: September 2011. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Design is a planned idea of elements used to create a visual form.


Symbol Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Symbols are images that are used to express an idea.                       


"Darth Atlas Is A Work Of Art In Dailies!" MTV Movies Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Form is the object in the picture and content is the message that the image is trying to convey to the viewer. 


Bat Symbol Sky - DeezTeez. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Pictograms are simple designs that can communicate to the viewers with out the use of words, usually through symbols.



Emphasis by Placement Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Focal points aren't always at the center of a composition. Objects that are the focal point by being off centered are examples of emphasis by placement.


"Assassin's Creed III Concept Art." Neoseeker. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Focal point is used by artists/designers to grab the attention of the viewer to the main object in the design. In this image, the viewers first focus is Desmond Miles, because of the placement, color, and background. 


The Atari Thief. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Emphasis by isolation is contrast by placement. By placing an object off by itself, the viewer is drawn to that object simply because it's separated from the rest.


In this image the focal point is Deadpool, obviously because he's the only one in color. The colors break the pattern of gray thus creating an emphasis by contrast.



Proximity Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Placing different objects close together can form a unity by proximity.


Gestalt is the visual phenomenon that our eyes see the whole object before we perceive the individual objects in the picture. Here at first glance, the skull looks like it has wings, but at a closer look, the wings are not made of feathers but out of weapons.


Unity or harmony is a group of objects that come together or belong together. The image above is a group of Spartans that makes the picture come together. 


Marley Gardner. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2012. <>.

Individual images put together with a common theme is a collage. Each images has its own purpose but it starts to form its own unity.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



Color Wheel Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

The color wheel is a system organization that explains the relationship of each color.


Theo Pepper Originals, Red Vs Blue Poster. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.

Both red and blue are high intensity colors and when put along side each other it creates a vibrating color.


"DmC: Devil May Cry- Gameplay Footage Revealed." PlaystaionGang. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>. 

Monochromatic scale is the use of one color and adding black or white to create value. 

"Angry Birds Limited Edition 3.5 Inch King Pig - Blue Bird - Red Bird - Yellow Bird 4 Pack Box Set." : Toys & Games. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Sept 2012. <>.

Primaries are hues that can be mixed to make other colors. They are red, yellow, and blue, and the primaries of light are red, green, and blue.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Cross-Hatching Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Many artists use "cross-hatching" to create value in the image. There's several techniques to use cross-hatching; the more lines used, the darker the area will appear.


"Author Archives: Oceanus." Oceanus. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.

Chiaroscuro is the use of shading techniques to create depth in a two dimensional plane.


Tech Digest. N.p., n.d. Web. Aug. 2012. <>.

The achromatic scale is a variation of grey, black, and white with the absence of hue.


"Thread: New Gears of War 3 Screenshots." PSU Forums. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2012. <>.

The characters in the middle have a high contrast against the background and emphasizes the color that draws our eyes to the focal point.



Blurred motion Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Sept. 15, 2012

Blurred outlines can give the object an illusion of motion. When objects are moving too fast for the eye to see, the object becomes unclear and the image is blurred.


~ Soul Calibur IV Information Thread ~. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012. <>.

The cropped frame gives the subject in the photo an illusion of motion and heightens the sense of a forward lunging motion.


PRESS RELEASE: Full WRECK-IT RALPH Voice Cast/Characters Announced. N.p. n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012. <>.

The lines along their fists enhance the anticipated movement of their action and what is about to happen.


Brony Deadpool | Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2012. <>.

Repeated figure is used in this comic strip to make an illusion of motion by changing view points.

Friday, August 24, 2012



figure and ground Adobe Illustrator. Drawn by Aziz Guiamelon, Aug. 21, 2012

Figure is the object or a shape and ground is the background or the negative space in the composition.


Freelance 3D Artist: Burst Pistol. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2012. <>.

Shape is formed by enclosing lines or colors that illustrates a line. Here is a picture of 3D models of weapons taking its form in the designing process and by enclosing the lines, the pistols takes its shape.


Distortion is blown out of proportion but still maintains its intended familiar shape. In this image, Hugo's upper body is out of proportion with his lower body.  


"Wheelman Vehicle Combat 02 Picture." By Atomhawk Design Atomhawk. N.p. n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2012. <>.

Curvilinear is a shape without straight lines. It's commonly used on vehicles for aerodynamic purposes.